I'm Founder of Charity Lets Do It Anyway and I had been thinking about setting up a charity for sometime as I have been inspired by some amazing people I have met over the years. Many people have suffered from medical problems and many have received life saving organ transplants, adults and children alike, some of whom are sadly no longer with us and were my special friends. The one thing all of these wonderful people posses is a positive attitude, they live life to the full and no matter what, despite medical problems, they have the can-do attitude “Lets Do It AnywayTM”. Hence the name of this charity.
After being diagnosed with SLE/Lupus at the age of 14 my kidneys failed. I am pleased to say, I was lucky enough to receive the “amazing Gift Of Life”, in the form of a Kidney transplant on September 7th 1987. Of which, I could never thank my donor family enough, they are unsung hero’s and are never far from my thoughts. Prior to my transplant, I also had heart and lung problems, which was caused by Lupus and resulted in part of my left lung being removed.
I was an athlete as a child, so after my transplant I started training again and in no time at all, I was able to attend Gt Yarmouth Athletic Club once more. Through hard work and determination, I was lucky enough to represent UK in athletics at the World Transplant Games on several occasions in Singapore, Hungry, Canada & England and won a variety of events.
Throughout my life I have always been positive, self motivated and I always thrive on a challenge. With this in mind, I have tried many sports and activities, also adrenaline related sports, including white-water rafting, rock climbing, abseiling, solo sky diving etc.
In 2010, I was told I had cancer and in June I had an operation to remove the non moving lump, followed by a course of radio therapy in September. I was so lucky to discover the lump very early, which meant that I didn’t need to have chemo therapy.
2010 was a tough year, but throughout the years, when faced with adversity, I have become more and more determined. The events of 2010, have certainly spurred me on to set-up the charity I have been thinking about for a long time.
I am proud to say, we now have a charity with five Trustees, and our goals are completely transparent, which means you will always know where your money is going when you make a donation. Our aim is to raise funds to complete projects to help people overcome adversity in the community, to promote Social and equality inclusion for children and adults with a disability or debilitating medical condition with the aim of improving their condition of life by completing projects for worthy causes, currently in Norfolk, although our aim is to carry-out projects all over the UK.
...We are raising funds with great events and challenges, so come on...Lets Do It AnywayT!
With best wishes Tonya Knights

Chair Person
Tonya Knights
Diane Martin
Melissa Townshend
David Knights